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The Owl Sees Through the Shadows of the Night

 I often blend two of my favorite subjects: owls, and old buildings. I feel that they go together well, because some species of owls prefer to take advantage of the relative safety of a building for their nesting site. Many of the old buildings in my owl pictures have some personal/family significance. You can read more about that in the descriptions of specific pictures.

I love owls because of "who they are as birds", you know, their habits and appearance. "Wesley the Owl" is one of my favorite books.
And I also am very intrigued by the folklore that has grown up around them. I learned more about that when I visited Cumberland Gap in Kentucky, and read Night Comes to the Cumberland, by Harry Caudill. While in Kentucky, I visited the Hensley Homestead, which is a restored mountain settlement, now an outdoor museum, on a plateau on top of Brush Mountain.

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