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Owl Scenes >
Keeping Watch in the Moonlight

Keeping Watch in the Moonlight


1 Medium

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127 e6d1 metal ornaments 2
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113 dc35 acrylic trays
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2 Size

3 Styles

4 Frame

This drawing features the old barn that stood on my grandparents; farm in Mixie Tennessee. My grandma used to spread a sheet on the tin roof, and lay out peaches to dry in the sun, according to my mother. Mom says she remembers standing on the lower roof and calling the cows to come home. I added the owl because I love everything about owls, their appearance, their nocturnal ways, and the fact that they have inspired so much folklore. I imagined the whisper of the wind, and the hoot of the owl, as the old barn stood silently in the moonlight.  As for the photo, I remember the night I took it. I happened to walk out into the front yard and look up to see the moon shining brightly, with shadows of tree limbs against the night sky. I ran back in to get my camera.  When I combined this drawing with the digital photo of the moonlit sky, I copied, shrunk, and pasted circles of that sky in the owl's eyes. The landscape is mostly left white, to give the effect of the moonlight shining on the land.

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This drawing features the old barn that stood on my grandparents; farm in Mixie Tennessee. My grandma used to spread a sheet on the tin roof, and lay out peaches to dry in the sun, according to my mother. Mom says she remembers standing on the lower roof and calling the cows to come home. I added the owl because I love everything about owls, their appearance, their nocturnal ways, and the fact that they have inspired so much folklore. I imagined the whisper of the wind, and the hoot of the owl, as the old barn stood silently in the moonlight.  As for the photo, I remember the night I took it. I happened to walk out into the front yard and look up to see the moon shining brightly, with shadows of tree limbs against the night sky. I ran back in to get my camera.  When I combined this drawing with the digital photo of the moonlit sky, I copied, shrunk, and pasted circles of that sky in the owl's eyes. The landscape is mostly left white, to give the effect of the moonlight shining on the land.

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