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Out My Window

Out My Window


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127 e6d1 metal ornaments 2
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4 Frame

In the fall during the migration of the Monarch Butterflies, they are so focused on feeding, that they don't just fly away when a human approaches. They will move around on the plant if they sense a presence, but not just disappear. It was during that time of the year that I took several photographs of this monarch butterfly on the geranium plant  on my mother's patio. I might not have been there at that time, except that I was recovering from a motorcycle accident at her house. (a motorist tried to pass me on my left as I was turning left, and I'm fortunate to be alive). I was in a back brace because of a fractured vertebrae. Anyway, one bright spot is seeing and being able to photograph this monarch butterfly.

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In the fall during the migration of the Monarch Butterflies, they are so focused on feeding, that they don't just fly away when a human approaches. They will move around on the plant if they sense a presence, but not just disappear. It was during that time of the year that I took several photographs of this monarch butterfly on the geranium plant  on my mother's patio. I might not have been there at that time, except that I was recovering from a motorcycle accident at her house. (a motorist tried to pass me on my left as I was turning left, and I'm fortunate to be alive). I was in a back brace because of a fractured vertebrae. Anyway, one bright spot is seeing and being able to photograph this monarch butterfly.

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