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Wildlife >
Foraging by Moonlight

Foraging by Moonlight


The earth is dormant under the blanket of snow. A full moon illuminates the landscape as a lone white tail buck searches for twigs, and leftover vegetation to quell his hunger. To me, it's amazing how these animals survive through the winter, with no den, burrow or nest to shelter them and only twigs, pine needles and dead plants to eat. It seems like the thickets, tall grass, or occasional corn stalks left standing provide unreliable shelter, at best. Somehow the Creator has adapted them to tolerate these conditions and provides for them so they survive to see another joyous spring. 

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The earth is dormant under the blanket of snow. A full moon illuminates the landscape as a lone white tail buck searches for twigs, and leftover vegetation to quell his hunger. To me, it's amazing how these animals survive through the winter, with no den, burrow or nest to shelter them and only twigs, pine needles and dead plants to eat. It seems like the thickets, tall grass, or occasional corn stalks left standing provide unreliable shelter, at best. Somehow the Creator has adapted them to tolerate these conditions and provides for them so they survive to see another joyous spring. 

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